New Issue of KB Journal on Ecocriticism

The new issue of KB Journal addresses Burke and ecocriticism. I know that those of you who are interested in ecocriticism will want to check out the articles, but that's not the only reason why I linked there. I want to call your attention to a couple of other cool things: first (and this must have been done quietly, without making a big fuss), all articles in KB Journal are now Creative Commons licensed. Second, I'm really impressed with the quality of the commentary on the articles there. They've got a small, but extremely thoughtful and articulate, group of folks who comment on the articles, a group which includes the astute Tom Wright. The comments there are not so much like blog comments, but more serious, like the correspondence I expect Burke, Marianne Moore, etc. would have engaged in upon reading each new issue of The Dial.


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Impressive company :-)

The comments there are not so much like blog comments, but more serious, like the correspondence I expect Burke, Marianne Moore, etc. would have engaged in upon reading each new issue of The Dial.

Most of the comments are definitely serious, and I've found Ed Appel's to be especially enlightening. The articles themselves are very worthwhile, as well. KB Journal was one of the first sites I found when I decided to return to the serious study of rhetoric after being out of the loop for some years. With the quality of posts there, I felt somewhat intimidated about participating at first, but I'm glad I did. It's proven hugely influential, not only on my views of Kenneth Burke and rhetoric, but on my decision to consider Minnesota for graduate study after reading articles by John Logie and Erin Wais.

Two Cultures

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