Presumptuous Expressions

I detest the following two expressions:

1. "Jane and John are expecting their first child." Let's unpack the ignorance:

--Maybe Jane and John only want one child

--Maybe Jane and John have serious infertility issues, went into $100K of debt for treatments to have this one baby, and can't afford another one

--You never know, Jane could develop a major health problem toward the end of pregnancy or during birth, so bad that the doctors would tell her she'd die if she tried to have another child

2. "Shall I schedule you for a cut'n'color?" Actually I've probably groused about this one before, but when did it become the default that everyone -- every woman, anyway -- colors his/her hair? When I noticed salons starting to ask this question if you called to make an appointment, I started getting my hair cut ONLY at Fantastic Sam's and Supercuts type places where they don't even DO coloring.



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I'm not sure their first

I'm not sure their first child implies there will be a second so much as it conveys that their hasn't been a first already. it's a real different thing, the inaugural baby.


My favorite is when the person cutting my hair says something along the lines of: "I see you have 1 or 2 gray hairs. Would you like to color your hair?" I mean, really! Of course, then there are the other people who ask me who I have color my hair (I don't). I'm never sure whether this is an insult or a compliment.



2 Board Alley

I started getting the "hints" about the grey hairs in my thirties--I ignored the hints. Today, I am happy with my hairdresser who doesn't try to unload the store's inventory on me and isn't shocked by my grey hairs.

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